Whether it’s e-commerce, landing page for an app or your business looking to digitalise, website possibilities are endless.
All of our sites are fully custom and created from scratch. Take a look at a few of possibilities, and see why you should partner with Beta Booster!

Taking the idea from your head and putting it onto a screen
The first stage of most websites is design and getting the idea from your head, onto a screen.
We use design software to visualise exactly what your website could look like.
This could be for clients looking to start from scratch, those looking to redesign, or someone who wants to test out what’s possible.
Landing pages.
Built to support your other technical projects, e.g. apps
Landing pages are typically used to work alongside any other technical projects or ‘soon to launch’ services that you have offline.
Clients may decide to support their app or service through a website explaining what it’s about and how people can get in touch.
Landing page websites include an about us, the team and contact sections.

Professional services.

Supporting professionals with their digitalisation
Designed to support SME’s with low budgets, professional services websites focus on existing businesses and getting them online.
We support you with reaching out to clients and putting your highstreet business in the eyes of more customers.
These websites include an about us, our products/ services, our team and contact details.
Marketplaces/ e-commerce.
Sell your products/ services online
For some it made them millionaires. For others it has become a secondary source of income.
We work with you and your goals to create a site pefectly focused on yours (or other peoples) product/ services! Once live, you’ll be able to sell products, take commissions and build an eco-system!
These websites typically include our products/ services, customer reviews and contact details.

Restaurants & takeaways.

Take orders, bookings and drive more customers directly to you
Whether you’re just opening a new restaurant or looking to expand your current, having an online precense can prove pivotal.
With delivery apps charging such high fees and customers not knowing who you are, a Beta Booster website allows you to expand on your own.
These websites typically include who you are, your menu, customer reviews, take orders/ bookings and where to find you.